Dafne Keen Deadpool 3: Will She Return With Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine

Apr 24, 2024

Dafne Keen Deadpool 3 with Hugh Jackman's Wolverine Revealed

With its expected mix of action, comedy, and the return of popular characters, “Deadpool 3,” whose official name is “Deadpool & Wolverine,” is getting people excited. Fans can’t wait to see what comes next for the Merc with a Mouth, and there are a lot of questions about whether Dafne Keen Deadpool 3 will arrive, who played Laura (also known as X-23 in the hit movie “Logan“), will be in it. 

This article talks about the rumors that are going around, the cast members who have been confirmed, and the interesting story ideas that could be used in the upcoming July 2024 movie in this irreverent superhero series.

Is Dafne Keen Going to Be in Deadpool 3?

Person in yellow and blue suit standing in a dimly lit room.

Photo Credit: Photo by @arifinity_/instagram

There is a lot of talk about the upcoming movie “Deadpool & Wolverine,” and people are wondering if Dafne Keen returns, who is best known for her part as Laura or X-23 in “Logan,” will join the big cast. Adding such a incredible character from the Marvel Comics could lead to new stories and deeper ties within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) as Marvel Studios continues to grow its movie universe. 

Fans and people who work on the franchise are both excited about Dafne Keen’s possible return, even though nothing public has been said. Many people really liked how she played Laura, and they loved how she acted and interacted with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine. Fans would be thrilled if Dafne Keen played the same character in “Deadpool 3,” and it would also help connect the different stories in the MCU.

How Is Logan Alive in Deadpool 3?

Tearful person cradling a fallen companion.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine’s return in “Deadpool 3” has caused a lot of debate, especially since his character died in “Logan.” It’s known that the Marvel Cinematic Universe uses multiple stories and time travel in creative ways, which could be why Logan came back. Hugh Jackman’s performance as Wolverine has made him very famous, and fans can’t wait to see how the writers will work him back into the story along with Ryan Reynolds’ Wade Wilson. 

It’s possible that this new development could use Marvel Comics’ long history of alternate worlds and time loops to make Wolverine’s surprise return make sense. The bond between Wade Wilson and Wolverine is sure to be one of the best parts of the movie. It will add a new layer to the story of the Marvel Studios movies.

Who Else Will Be in Deadpool 3?

Wolverine walking away from an explosion on a mountain road.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

“Deadpool 3” promises a fun cast of characters, including some old favorites and some new ones. Ryan Reynolds is going to play Wade Wilson again. Wilson is the charming and sarcastic main character of the Deadpool series. The fans are already very excited about Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine. 

A lot of other characters from Marvel Comics, like Morena Baccarin as Vanessa, could join them. New characters, like Emma Corrin, could also play parts that haven’t been revealed yet. Fans expect dynamic writing from Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, and the mix of old and new characters is sure to deliver. This makes “Deadpool & Wolverine” one of the most anticipated new Deadpool and Marvel Studios movies.

Is Laura Going to Be in Deadpool 3?

Person in red and black suit lying on cracked ground.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

The Return of X-23

After “James Mangold’s Logan,” fans have been hoping that Dafne Keen’s character who loved playing Laura will return to the big screen in “Deadpool 3.” Fans love Laura, who is also known as X-23, because she played the mutant so well—as someone who is both strong and weak. 

Since her character comes from the world of X-Men, there is a lot of room for her story to grow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole. If Laura comes back, it could make the transition between how Fox portrayed the X-Men characters and how Disney will handle their future.

Potential Plot Integration

Adding Laura to “Deadpool 3” would strike a chord with fans of “James Mangold’s” “Logan” and strengthen the movie’s ties to the bigger X-Men story. Because Laura’s connection with Wolverine is complicated and she has a rough past, she could give the usually lighthearted Deadpool movies more depth and intensity. 

Fans can’t wait to see if she will play the same character again, which would add consistency and a new twist to the story to gather some dark materials for example.

Who Is Not Returning for Deadpool 3?

Before “Deadpool 3” comes out in theaters, it has been revealed that some familiar faces from the first two movies will not be back. The movie is likely to bring back well-known characters like Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), but some popular characters from previous Deadpool movies might not show up. 

This change is a result of how the Deadpool series is always changing, as actors become available and the story goes in different directions. Not having some characters could lead to new ways of telling stories, with more focus on adding new characters and making the Marvel Cinematic Universe bigger.

Impact on the Storyline

Leaving some characters out of “Deadpool 3” could have a big effect on the story and how the characters interact with each other. Fans may miss how these characters interacted with the main cast, but the changes also give writers a chance to explore new character relationships and problems, which keeps the show interesting for viewers.

Will Taylor Swift Be In Deadpool 3?

One of the more funny theories about “Deadpool 3” is that pop star Taylor Swift might make a cameo appearance. As of now, this rumor has not been proven, but it has fans’ attention. Deadpool movies are known for the strange and surprising cameos by famous people, which give the movies their own style. For fans, seeing Taylor Swift would be a highlight, and it would be fun to have her be a part of the movie’s marketing.

The Power of Celebrity Cameos

Celebrity cameos in movies like “Deadpool” connect the world of the movie to pop culture in the real world, making moments that people will remember long after the movie is over. Even if Taylor Swift doesn’t end up being in “Deadpool 3,” the rumors about her involvement show how fun the series is and how it can connect with fans on many levels, building excitement as the movie’s release date gets closer.

Final Thoughts

The excitement for “Deadpool 3” is reaching new heights as July draws near. With its unique mix of humor, action, and character depth, the movie is sure to bring new life to the series.

  • Cameo Speculations: Talk of cameos by famous people, like pop stars and artists, adds another level of excitement. For fans, these visits could be special times that they will always remember.
  • Character Dynamics: The movie claims to give the story more options by having both old and new characters. It may seem like a shame that some actors can’t be in the movies because of work or character deaths, but it gives new actors a chance to make their mark on the Marvel world.
  • Release Date: It’s set to come out in July, making it one of the most-anticipated movies of the summer.


What is the expected release date for “Deadpool & Wolverine”?

“Deadpool & Wolverine” is scheduled to hit theaters on July 26, 2024.

How does “Deadpool 3” fit into the larger MCU timeline, especially post-“Endgame”?

Following “Endgame,” “Deadpool 3” looks at new ways to tell stories and could use the multiverse to bring Deadpool and Wolverine into the main MCU.

What are the potential implications of integrating X-23 into the MCU?

With her long history and ties to Wolverine, adding X-23 to the MCU could make the story more complicated and the universe bigger.

Has the director or any cast member hinted at future directions for the “Deadpool” series?

Ryan Reynolds has hinted that “Deadpool 3 film” will keep its own tone while exploring new character relationships and plots, but didn’t say much else.

What are some key locations used for filming “Deadpool 3,” and how might they influence the film’s setting?

The upcoming “Deadpool 3” has been filmed in various locations, including Norfolk, England, which may provide a diverse and visually intriguing backdrop for the movie’s action sequences.