Dark Knights of Steel #3 (review)

Jan 4, 2022

Mad Cave Studios


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Dark Knights of Steel #3

Another issue. Another dead character. Tom Taylor and co. continue with Dark Knights of Steel #3, a jarring and impactful romp across the medieval country side.

DC Comics
Written By: Tom Taylor
Art By: Yasmine Putri
Colors By: Arif Prianto


As Tom Taylor is known to do, another character dies this issue. I won’t spoil who, but just know Taylors reputation does not disappoint.

The inclusion of Zala-El in this story had huge ramifications with just issue #2. For issue #3 she is back along for the ride on her quest for vengeance. I enjoyed thoroughly when she is on the page. Her all action now and talk later attitude is wild. Her character quickly became one of the many storylines of focus. With the events that ended issue #1, seeing the pulse vibrant all through the world of Dark Knights of Steel was both unexpected and welcomed. Seeing it grow and grow over just the first 3 issues is perfect world building.

The big mystery that ended in Dark Knights of Steel #1, is still playing about, but you can tell that Taylor is playing the long game with it. The Dark Knight is the focus, both in title and story. What Taylor is doing is just exploring more of the characters that surround Batman first. The mystery and the revelations about his character will come I’m sure. The idea behind the mystery is compelling in every way.


The art is growing. Its growing as the inclusion of more characters are added, and removed. What works so well is the variety that Putri uses. From large explosive hits to the quiet moments between two characters, it all works well. It only works because there is the duality. A book full of medieval fire and brimstone would become tired over the 12 issues. Putri and Prianto like Taylor, are playing the long game with the art. Dark Knights of Steel will read so well and be a sight for the eyes. Issue #3 uses the quiet moments to perfection in two scenes in particular. One where we learn and one where we say goodbye.

Final Thoughts

Tom Taylor and co. kick off 2022 the only way they know how: Giving fans one of the best DC books on shelves today.