Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1
DC Comics
Written by: Bryan Hitch
Art by: Andrew Currie & Scott Hanna
Colors by: Alex Sinclair & Jeremiah Skipper
Letters by: Rob Leigh
The bar was set extremely high for DC’s Dark Nights: Death Metal spin-off, one-off stories from the jump. Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Hush #1 was a home run to straightaway center.
DC did it again with Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1. Getting this one right seemed much harder, too. While Batman: Hush is an all-time Batman story, DC fans know all too well Flashpoint carries a lot more weight. Combine that with the fact Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Hush #1 was great, and Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie and Scott Hanna had an uphill battle ahead of them.
Didn’t matter.
Hitch manages to twist and turn an already messed up chapter in DC’s history a few times, leading to quite a few unexpected changes. Still no shortage of sadness and mayhem in this book, just not in the way you might expect.
Of course, you can’t have a Flashpoint story without the illustrious Thomas Wayne as Batman. If you’re a fan of that iteration of the Dark Knight, you need to pick up Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1. There’s a lot of Thomas Wayne in this book.
My only gripe with Currie and Hanna’s artwork was Thomas Wayne looked a bit too shredded. While this might seem like an odd complaint, Thomas fairly old at this point in time. Not that he needs to look exactly like Andy Kubert’s rendering, but more of a burly look would’ve made sense here. Again, that’s a minor thing in all of this — I just really like the Flashpoint Batman character.
More importantly, Currie and Hanna put together an action-packed adventure that keeps pace with the fast-moving adventure Hitch put together.