DCeased: Dead Planet #4 (REVIEW)

Oct 6, 2020

Mad Cave Studios


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DCeased: Dead Planet #4
DC Comics

Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Trevor Hairsine
Inks by: Gigi Baldassini
Colors by: Rain Beredo
Letters by: Saida Temofonte

Looks like things are going to get a lot messier before they get better in Tom Taylor’s DCeased world. The second something somewhat good happens, it somehow seems like everything else only gets worse. Which is all very strange for a Taylor title; his characters normally seem so happy.

Yes, I’m kidding with that last bit. But at this point, how can you not laugh a little at all the craziness Taylor comes up with?

The true brilliance of Taylor’s work is how he plays on the “everything is going to work out” mindset that comes with reading a story from one of the big two comic book publishers.

Trevor Hairsine, Gigi Baldassini and Rain Beredo were really challenged in this chapter of the epic DCeased: Dead Planet story. Once again, they did not disappoint. Their handling of each panel helps make every step in the story feel so important.

And on the subject of the artwork, another great pair of covers. Tough choice between David Finch & Beredo’s and Francesco Mattina & Inhyuk Lee’s (variant) if you have to pick one. Personally, I’d go with Finch & Beredo’s. Jon Kent’s suit is just too cool.

(WARNING: Spoilers for DCeased: Dead Planet #4 ahead.)

After reading each of the first three issues of DCeased: Dead Planet, I’ve legitimately wondered if things can things get much worse for DC’s heroes in this story. And every time, Taylor and company screams “YES!”

But that wasn’t the case with DCeased: Dead Planet #4. This time I know things are going to get much worse.

John Constantine is probably going to be the answer in all of this. Though, that doesn’t mean he survives this. Also, I have a very bad feeling Green Arrow is due to make a big mess after reading this issue.

Score: 8.5