DCeased: Dead Planet #7
DC Comics
Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Trevor Hairsine
Inks by: Gigi Baldassini with Stefano Gaudiano
Colors by: Rain Beredo
Letters by: Saida Temofonte
DCeased: Dead Planet started strong and maintained its momentum until the very end. Tom Taylor ties everything together very well in DCeased: Dead Planet #7, while Trevor Hairsine led an art team that made sure this story had an epic ending.
Throughout everything DCeased-related, it’s never felt like Taylor was restricted creatively. While this isn’t an event intended to shift the DC brand in a new direction like Dark Nights: Death Metal and Future State, DCeased isn’t under the DC Black Label umbrella. And we’ve seen big-name zombie books before, so there’s reason to think higher ups would try to take too much control.
But based on the product readers got, it seems like Taylor was able to tell the story he wanted with DCeased: Dead Planet, tying the story together very well with the final issue. it’s never easy to tie a story like this together well — especially with how much was going on — but Taylor found a way to wrap it up nicely.
Well, to be clear, there’s nothing “nice” about Taylor’s story. Rather, his ending fit perfectly with the tone of his story.
(WARNING: Spoilers for DCeased: Dead Planet #7 ahead.)
After reading DCeased: Dead Planet #6, it was abundantly clear John Constantine had to die. He was taking on an abundance of power to take on a nearly unstoppable foe. Whether or not he succeed wasn’t something I necessarily cared about as a reader — just needed to see someone finally make it impossible for Constantine to slither out of a tight spot.
Not that I want to see Constantine bite the dust. Constantine dying in a story likes this enhances his successes in other books, serving as proof he can’t walk away from everything.