Deadpool 3 News and the Awaited Wolverine Trailer – What to Expect

Apr 23, 2024

Deadpool 3 News & Wolverine Trailer Updates

With Hugh Jackman returning as Wolverine, “Deadpool 3” is set to be a new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Fans are already very excited about it. This new movie is supposed to combine Deadpool’s sarcastic humor with Wolverine’s darker tone, giving us a new story that takes place before “Logan.” Fans are excited to see how these beloved characters interact on screen, and “Deadpool 3” is also causing rumors about new characters and story twists, making it a hot topic for both Marvel fans and casual viewers.

Which Wolverine Is in Deadpool 3?

Red-suited hero with katanas and a masked face.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

The word that Hugh Jackman will return as Wolverine in “Deadpool 3” has made the internet go crazy, getting fans of both characters very excited. It’s not just another sequel; this third Deadpool movie is a two-hander character story with two massive movie stars Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, two huge movie stars.

  • This is a big return for Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, who teams up with Deadpool in a way that fans have been waiting for a long time.
  • Behind the Scenes: Shawn Levy and Lauren Shuler Donner produce, directors for Marvel Studios, make sure that the movie has a good mix of action and humor by playing to the strengths of both characters.
  • Expected Wolverine Trailer: Fans can’t wait for the first Wolverine trailer, which will show Hugh Jackman in action and get people excited for a great show in UK theaters.

Will There Be a Ghost Rider in Deadpool 3?

Close-up of gloved hands with metal claws extended.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

A lot of people are wondering if Ghost Rider will show up in the new Deadpool movie. If he does, it will add another level of mystery and excitement to the plot between Deadpool and Wolverine.

  • Fan Theories and Leaks: There have been a lot of rumors that Ghost Rider will be in the movie, but Marvel Studios has not yet confirmed this.
  • Character Potential: Adding Ghost Rider could add magical elements to the relationship between Deadpool and Wolverine, giving the story a new twist.
  • Changes to the Story: If Ghost Rider joins, the movie could explore themes of forgiveness and revenge, which would fit well with how morally complicated the characters are already.

How Will Logan Be in Deadpool 3?

Red-suited hero holding a small creature, companion in yellow.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

The presence of Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in the Deadpool movie brings up interesting timing questions, especially about how Logan fits into this story after the clear ending of “Logan.”

  • Detailing the timeline: Hugh Jackman has made it clear that the events in this third Deadpool movie happen before those in “Logan,” reassuring fans that the story will continue as planned.
  • Creative Ways to Tell a Story:
    • Memories: Looking into Logan’s past through memories.
    • Alternative worlds: Using different worlds to connect Logan’s story without breaking up his character arc could be an option.
  • Role of Deadpool and Wolverine: The movie is called a “two-hander character adventure,” and it promises to go deep into the relationship dynamics between Deadpool and Wolverine, showing how they interacted before the events that led to Logan’s death.

Who Will Not Be in Deadpool 3?

Two heroes jumping through a fiery portal holding hands.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

Excluded Characters

In spite of the large cast that usually comes together for Deadpool movies, Emma Corrin and Matthew Macfadyen will not be in the new movie, according to confirmed rumors and Deadpool 3 news. Simon Kinberg, who has worked with the X-Men for a long time, has also stated that he will not be involved in making this movie. Instead, he will be working on other projects in the same field.

Impact on the Storyline

  • Choices in the story: Leaving these characters out lets us focus more on the main plot, especially the relationship between Deadpool and Wolverine, which makes the two-hand character-driven story stronger.
  • Creative Direction: The script is being written again by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, with Kevin Feige and George Dewey overseeing. The story is expected to keep its sharp wit and fast-paced action, but with a new cast.

Who Is Immortal, Deadpool or Wolverine?

Analysis of Healing Powers

Deadpool and Wolverine are both known for being able to heal, but there are some differences. Wolverine’s recovery skills come from his natural genes, while Deadpool’s are the result of genetic experiments. Fans often argue about who is truly invincible because of this basic difference. Wolverine can heal from almost any wound, but Deadpool can even grow new cells from a single piece of tissue, which supposedly makes him more “immortal.”

Fan Interest and Debate

  • Engaging Discussions: Fans love to talk about how these characters might live forever, especially since they are both in the same movie. Fans and critics alike will be very interested in how these powers are shown in the new trailer and maybe even in the Deadpool Wolverine trailer or the official Wolverine trailer.
  • Hypothetical Scenarios: People often talk about how their skills would work against each other in made-up situations. This is something that could be explored in the story of “Deadpool 3.”

Is Deadpool 3 Before Logan?

Timeline Explanation

  • Hugh Jackman and the rest of the production team, including Wendy Jacobson, have made it clear that “Deadpool 3” takes place before “Logan.” This strategic choice helps keep Wolverine’s tale intact, making sure that everything stays the same and following the plot.
  • Relevance to the MCU: Putting “Deadpool 3” before “Logan” gives Kevin Feige and his team more freedom to explore parts of these characters’ pasts that haven’t been explored before without messing up what has already happened.

Ensuring Continuity

  • Consistency in the story: By setting the movie before “Logan,” the directors can add to the characters’ backstories and interactions without making Logan’s death seem final.
  • Creative Exploration: This change in time also makes it possible for new experiences and character growth, which could be very important for bringing Deadpool and Wolverine into the bigger Marvel Studios story.

Key Takeaways

“Deadpool 3” marks a significant advancement in the MCU, featuring the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and possibly introducing new characters like Ghost Rider. Set before “Logan,” this film promises a compelling blend of action, humor, and character development. The inclusion of Rob Delaney in a yet undisclosed role adds to the ensemble, enhancing the film’s appeal.

  • Final Expectations: With Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick spearheading the creative efforts and Kevin Feige overseeing the production, expectations are high for “Deadpool 3.” This installment is crucial to the Deadpool and Wolverine narratives, exploring deeper themes beneath its entertaining facade. The release of the Wolverine official trailer has already stirred significant buzz, especially in UK cinemas.
  • Both longtime fans and newcomers are eagerly awaiting the film’s debut, anticipating a blockbuster that delivers not only thrilling action but also a rich, layered story. The phrase “pal Wade’s gonna” hints at classic Deadpool antics, promising a movie that’s as fun as it is profound.


What can we expect from the interaction between Deadpool and Wolverine in the new movie?

There will be a great mix of Deadpool’s funny banter and Wolverine’s tough attitude, which means there will be both funny clashes and deep friendships.

How will “Deadpool 3” fit into the broader MCU timeline?

“Deadpool 3” is set before the events of “Logan,” allowing it to weave seamlessly into the MCU timeline without altering established histories.

Are there any new characters expected to debut alongside Ghost Rider if he appears?

The appearance of Ghost Rider is still up in the air, but if he does show up, it could mean the start of other supernatural or magical characters in the Marvel universe.

What role will time travel or alternate realities play in “Deadpool 3”?

It might be necessary to use time travel or alternate realities to connect complicated stories and explore different dimensions without getting in the way of the main plot.

How does “Deadpool 3” plan to maintain the continuity of the characters’ past narratives?

The film carefully places its events before “Logan,” using creative story techniques to keep the characters’ stories going and honor their legacies.