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Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1

Journey further into the mysterious event surrounding the beloved doctor’s premature death, with Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1. Although dead the master of sorcery had a few last tricks up his sleeve as the good doctor seemingly always planned ahead. Strange leaves behind a message for everyone’s favorite wall-crawler, but is this the actual wall-crawler Strange intended to receive his final orders.

Written by: Jed Mackay
Art by: Marcelo Ferreira
Color by: Andrew Crossley with Peter Pantazis
Letters by: VC`s Joe Caramagna

Doctor Strange/Spider-Man

Any fans of the two titular heroes will know that Dr. Stephen Strange and Spider-Man have had a couple of line-ups together. The one that most fans would reference is One Moment in Time although there has been a slew of team-ups between the two. So, it is not strange that Dr. Strange would turn to Spider-Man for assistance, however, he probably did not bargain on getting help from a certain feline. Enter Felicia Hardy, the cynical, vengeful, and greedy gal we all like and adore. Felicia also has had a run-in from time to time with Dr.Strange and serves as a good addition to propel the story forward.

The dialogue between the characters is what we have come to expect from the participating parties over the years. And as unbelievable as these stories might be, it still falls into the realm of believability, as we know these characters so well. The story is a good fit and the comedic aspects between Black Cat and Spider-Man works. Especially in a series that you would find rather depressing. There is a certain feeling of hope that is brought in whenever Spider-Man is introduced into a series. Although is the Spider-Man in question actually Spider-Man? You will have to read Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1 to find out more.

The Art and Style

As you would expect this is some fine art and coloring. Bringing to life the somewhat dreadfully weary world of Dr.Strange. With amazing detail to the background, you would find yourself investigating to see if you might have missed a small clue or detail helping you to solve the mystery behind the mysterious event that lead to the death of Dr. Strange. The coloring is soft and cold in the more serious panels and becomes more vibrant and lively in the action sequences. Contributing magnificently to the atmosphere and defining the tone of this book.


Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man is an enjoyable read, not difficult to follow, and should not be missed. If rumors are true that a new sorcerer supreme is going to be unveiled in 2022 and our beloved Doctor is going on ice. This is a good send-off, a proper goodbye for the time to come. I for one will be counting down the months or years till the good Doctor retakes his mantel as the SORCERER SUPREME