Devil May Cry 5: Release Date Announced in New Trailer

Aug 21, 2018

Capcom announced today at Gamescom that Devil May Cry 5 is coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC on March 8, 2019. The accompanying trailer shows Nero utilizing the classic hack and slash melee combat and his guns to fight off the hellish hoards.

The trailer also gives us a potential sneak peak into Nero’s power set including the ability to momentarily freeze time to attack enemies. We see a few boss battles in this trailer. The environments can be destroyed around Nero creating a more cinematic experience. In one segment the boss is able to completely take out the floor where Nero is standing causing him to fall below.  

The classic combos and outlandish moves of previous games are still part of this new installment. Multiple times in the trailer we see Nero throwing enemies around, creating aerial combos and as well as doing a spin/tornado type move to finish them off. At one point Nero uses his sword as a skateboard and we see Dante at the very end on a weaponized motorcycle that turns into chainsaw type blades. The new game much like previous ones has a clear sense of humor and does not take itself too seriously.

The Devil May Cry series first installment came out in 2001 on the PlayStation 2. The series continued through 2008’s Devil May Cry 4 before DmC: Devil May Cry, the soft reboot, came out in 2013. Devil May Cry 5 will be a sequel to the 2008 game. In addition, Capcom’s new Devil May Cry HD Collection, featuring the first three games, is out now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.