Discover the WeStreet Crypto Portal: A Secure Solution for Buying, Selling, and Holding Cryptocurrency

Oct 17, 2023

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New, Secure Way to Buy, Sell, and Hold Cryptocurrency

WeStreet Credit Union has launched a new Crypto Portal, allowing users to buy, sell, and hold digital currency securely.


Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, is a decentralized digital currency maintained by a peer-to-peer network on a public ledger called blockchain. In the past, cryptocurrency was primarily traded on unregulated online exchanges, posing risks for users. However, WeStreet Credit Union has introduced its Crypto Portal to address these concerns.

Main Points

– WeStreet Credit Union has launched a Crypto Portal, enabling users to invest in cryptocurrency securely.

– Unlike digital-only exchanges, WeStreet Credit Union is a federally regulated credit union with member service professionals.

– WeStreet has partnered with a Qualified Crypto Custodian, offering users a secure way to manage their cryptocurrency assets.

– The regulated custodian undergoes financial and technology audits to ensure the protection of users’ digital assets.

– WeStreet utilizes an audited ledger to monitor customer accounts and address any issues or discrepancies quickly.

– The Crypto Portal offers popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Stellar, with additional coins to be added in the future.


WeStreet Credit Union’s Crypto Portal provides users with a secure and accessible platform to invest in and manage their cryptocurrency assets. With the partnership of a Qualified Crypto Custodian and regular audits, users can feel confident that their digital assets are protected. WeStreet’s commitment to customer service and account monitoring ensures a positive user experience. To learn more about the Crypto Portal, visit