Doomsday Clock #7 Review

Sep 25, 2018

Mad Cave Studios


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Doomsday Clock #7
DC Comics

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank
Colors by Brad Anderson

The reveals in this issue begin with small changes to the history of the DC universe and who is responsible for them. Changes so small and subtle that they go unnoticed. Rorschach, Saturn Girl, Johnny Thunder and Adrian continue their mission to find Dr. Manhattan. With the help of the clone of the original Bubastis, they discover where Manhattan will be and it leads them directly back to Batman, Joker, Marionette and Mime.

When Adrian uses Alan Scott’s lantern and Bubastis to call Manhattan, he arrives. When most of them, including Comedian, disappear, Batman and Joker are left. Manhattan decides to reveal everything to his new traveling companions and the things he reveals show the truth about Rorschach’s motives, who Adrian really is and what might be the final cost of Manhattan’s meddling with this universe.

Everything is coming to a head in this issue. There are so many plot points that are moving forward that one has to admire Johns ability to keep everything focused on this issue. Everything from the tone to the characters were done pitch perfect. I never felt that a moment was wasted in this issue and everyone had enough time to have their stories expand as well as open the door for some new mysteries to come. Even the interludes were well done and added drama and clarity to the story without taking away from the pace of it.

Gary Frank’s art is splendid. I loved the flow of the visuals in relation to the story. Everything moved well and all of the details were great. The story is getting more intense and the reveals at the end of this issue only make me want to read more. Great issue.