Dungeons and Dragons: Brotherhood without Banners, Season 4 Episode 7

Apr 15, 2015

dnd title smallDungeons and Dragons
Brotherhood Without Banners
Season 4 Episode 7

“True Friends”


In this episode, the brothers finish off the three headed demon that represents Davril, Zerrith and Yenorin’s dark pasts. I’ve played in games where the DM doesn’t want to create emotional situations for their players because they want to run a straight forward dungeon crawl adventure. But I believe half the fun comes from creating a character and digging into their past and fully exploring who you created.black guard - sam wood

family crayonLike many origin stories for comic book heroes, these adventures all experienced something in their past that was a severe guiding force for them to pursue a life worth meaning. Coincidentally most their dark and bloody pasts involve family issues.

After the fight, looting, rewards and drama!