EXCLUSIVE: Casting Begins For Army Ranger Lincoln in ‘Monster Hunter’ Movie

Aug 8, 2018

This past May, it was announced that director Paul W.S Anderson would be re-teaming with actress Milla Jovovich on yet another Capcom video game movie adaption. After the success of Monster Hunter World, this past January, a feature film was put into production. We at Omega Underground revealed that production would begin this September in Cape Town, South Africa.

Now we are back to reveal that casting has begun on the project as well. We have leaked audition tapes by actors Larry Ulrich (Only You & Me) and Michael Q. Davis (The Strange) reading for the part of Army Ranger Lincoln. It’s entirely possible that Jovovich is playing the role of Dash from their squad; however that is unknown. Also, based on these tapes the film is looking to receive an R rating.


:: Scene 1 ::

Lincoln – “What is this?”

Chief – “It’s bravo team”

Lincoln – “What happened to them? Flamethrowers?”

Chief – “I don’t think so. Never seen a flamethrower do this to a man. Not even napalm burns that hot.”

Lincoln – “Chief!”

Chief – “It’s glass…”

Lincoln – “Glass? What the hell is that doing out here?”

Chief – “When sand melts it turns into glass.”

Lincoln – “How the hell do you melt sand.”

Chief – “I don’t know.”

Lincoln – “Well, this shit is officially above my pay grade.”

Chief – “Looks like they made a stand.”

Lincoln – “Fired a lot of rounds…”

Chief – “But they didn’t hit anyone. Nobodies.”

Lincoln – “Well, maybe the bad guys took the bodies with them.”

Chief – “Maybe. Look at the uni-peg marks? How high they are.”

Lincoln – “What were they firing at?”

:: Scene 2::

Male #1 – “Hey dash. I got three”

Male #2 – “What?”

Male #1 – “Clips. Three left. You?”

Male #2 – “What is it matter? You saw those things.”

Male #1 – “It matters because we are soldiers and this is what we do. We fight. Am I right?!”

Lincoln – “Rangers lead the way”

Male #1 – “Damn straight. Now I don’t care what the hell those things are. We do what we do best. We fight and we survive. No matter what the odds. I’m taking us both home. You two got it?”

Lincoln – “Loud and clear.”

Male #1 – “Now I have three clips spared. What do you have?”

[Looks up]

Lincoln – “Oh shit! Son of a bitch! Watch the Boss. Watch the boss. Dash! Get the medpac. Get the medpac.”

[Does CPR]

Lincoln – “Come on boss! Come on boss! Come on Dash!”

Male #2 – “It’s too late.”

Lincoln – “Bullshit”

Male #2 – “Lincoln her pulse”

Lincoln – “….I’m sorry”

Male #2 – “Shit there’s more of them.”

Lincoln – “Oh, fuck they are everywhere.”

Male #2 – “Link lets go”

Lincoln – “We can’t just leave her behind!”

Male #2 – “We have to move now!”

Lincoln – “…I’m sorry…I’m sorry.”

Monster Hunter has no set release date