Experience the Future of Smart Homes with JoshGPT: Privacy-Centric AI Voice Assistant

Jun 28, 2023


Smart home automation startup Josh.ai has introduced a new feature called JoshGPT, which incorporates generative AI into its voice assistant and app. This upgraded AI is powered by a customized version of OpenAI’s large language models and builds on Josh.ai’s previous experiments with embedding ChatGPT. Josh.ai positions itself as a more private alternative to Alexa and Google Assistant, offering a privacy-centered smart home ecosystem.


Josh.ai, a smart home automation startup, has announced the integration of generative AI into its voice assistant and app through a new feature called JoshGPT. By leveraging a customized version of OpenAI’s large language models, Josh.ai aims to enhance its existing privacy-centered smart home ecosystem. This move comes after the company’s previous experimentation with embedding ChatGPT into its system.

Main Points:

1. JoshGPT: Josh.ai’s voice assistant has been a central component of the company’s products since its inception. The startup positions its services as a more private alternative to popular voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant, appealing to individuals who are cautious about sharing their data with tech giants. The integration of generative AI, specifically ChatGPT, in the form of JoshGPT, allows for enhanced communication capabilities and flexibility. Users can combine commands for information and smart home control into a single sentence.

2. Privacy-Centric Smart Home Ecosystem: Josh.ai has made several updates to its privacy-centric smart home ecosystem alongside the introduction of JoshGPT. The new Josh Remote combines the functionality of the Josh app and connected microphones into a remote control that can operate smart TVs. Josh.ai emphasizes that it offers more than just a mobile smart speaker, describing it as the industry’s only multifaceted control system. On the software side, the Intelligent Areas feature provides the AI with a better understanding of a home’s layout and how to organize devices and rooms. Users can also adjust the Device Defaults setting for more precise control.

3. CEO’s Statement: Josh.ai’s CEO, Alex Capecelatro, expressed pride in introducing innovative features such as Intelligent Areas, System Setup, and Room Customization, which have been developed based on feedback from the company’s network of certified dealers. The introduction of Josh Remote as a handheld control option and the integration of JoshGPT aim to revolutionize the landscape of AI-powered assistance, offering a supercharged assistant both at home and on-the-go.


Josh.ai, a smart home automation startup, has enhanced its privacy-centric ecosystem by introducing the JoshGPT feature. This upgrade incorporates generative AI into the company’s voice assistant and app, leveraging a customized version of OpenAI’s language models. Alongside JoshGPT, other updates include the introduction of the Josh Remote and software improvements such as Intelligent Areas. The company aims to provide a more private and multifaceted control system for smart homes, empowering users with a convenient and powerful AI assistant experience.