Feige Says ‘Namor’ Is Still A Complicated Situation Concerning Solo Film

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Despite some misleading quotes from Joe Queseda, it looks like a solo Namor movie at Marvel Studios still remains an issue.

Universal Pictures had aquired the rights to a solo film years back and attempted a version with Terminator 3 director Jonathan Mostow and there had been chatter that former British Olympic diver Jason Statham was rumored for the part. A feature film never came together but it seems like the studio still holding Marvel Studios back from giving Namor his own movie.

IGN asked Kevin Feige for an update after previously calling the situation “complicated” a couple years ago.

“It is. I think there’s a way to probably figure it out but it does have — it’s not as a clean or clear as the majority of the other characters.”

There’s a good chance they could just avoid a solo film altogether by inserting him in films like Black Panther 2 or have him take a supporting lead role in an Agents of Atlas film. His cousin Namora is part of the team and it’s leader Jimmy Woo is already in the MCU played by Randall Park.

Only time will tell where and when we’ll see Namor. However, there is some hope from fans they’ll hire an Asian or Asian-American actor for the role.


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