Five Types of Spam to Avoid: Main Features and Tips

Aug 3, 2020

In cooperation with our partner.

Every Internet user has once faced the problem of spam mailings. You may systematically receive malicious emails that are annoying and even dangerous. Today, we will talk about the varieties of spam and how they differ from each other. So, let’s start!

Common Types of Spam

Spam can take many forms, however, it is difficult to find any, which Cleantalk anti-spam plugin cannot disable. In general, spam varies by the means and purposes for which it is distributed:

1) Emailing

Each of us has an electronic device and this allows us to identify a person on the global web. How does this happen? A person can register on any site or fill out various forms that activate the mailing subscription. Most users regularly check their mailbox, so the chances that people will read the messages are very high. Spammers are well aware of this and actively use this opportunity.

2) Spam on Social Networks

As soon as social platforms became popular, they were immediately attacked by spammers. Later, when the moderators began to actively fight against this phenomenon, spammers began to use other technologies. They have created special phishing sites and with their help, they steal other people’s profiles to deliver ads. This method of distributing advertising materials is still used today.

3) Spam on Forums

Spammers are happy to use the opportunity to advertise on forums. They place third-party links directly on their profiles, leave messages in the comments of other users, send spam in PMs, etc. While moderators are trying in every possible way to get rid of such users, they create new methods to bypass moderation.

4) Spam in Directories

Another method to deliver annoying advertisements is to use various directories and promote the site in search engines. However, such publications do not contain much sense and are not popular.

5) SMS-spamming

Sometimes, people receive SMS with advertising, while realizing that they did not subscribe to such mailings. Be careful and don’t follow any links in such messages and simply delete them.

Everyday Antispam Tips

To secure yourself from any type of malicious mailing, you can use antispam plugins. However, you should also make at least these simple actions:

  • Do not reply to dubious letters, do not open them, and in no case follow incomprehensible links;
  • Create several e-mails for various purposes;
  • Configure a program that filters incoming mails;
  • In case of a spam attack, write a complaint to your ISP;
  • Use email forms to correspond with your customer base.

In Conclusion

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to eliminate annoying mailing at all, so be careful in your actions. Now you know what types of spam exist and how to avoid troubles. Use these tips to secure yourself and enjoy safe communication. Good luck!