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FrontiersMan # 1
Part One: Human Clutter

Make sure what you do matters. If you ask me that sums up the message I got from reading the first issue of FrontiersMan from Image Comics. We often get lost in looking at the forest for the trees and vice versa in this day and age. But when you get right down to it this argument is really about the same thing and nothing at all.

Image Comics

Words by: Patrick Kindlon
Art by: Marco Ferrari
Letters by: Jim Campbell

FrontiersMan is a perfect example of what a hero would behave like if faced with our “social media” society. Looking at his existence, deep in the woods far from the likes of man, you would say he has given up. To the casual observer this individual would have no place being listed in the annals of time as a heroes. But Patrick Kindlon’s story diverges from the typical hero who fell from grace. Rather than focusing on the changes he could make, we witness a man who focused on the changes that mattered.

FrontiersMan doesn’t concern itself with if the tree that fell in the forest that no one is there to hear makes a sound. Instead it asks did the tree fall or was it pushed.

Marco Ferrari does a fantastic job providing the artwork for this comic. From the opening we are treated to a breathtaking view of an mountainous forest of trees. Bringing the scene down to ground level, Ferrari captures the effect of the sun peaking through and hitting the forest floor. Each panel is a single perfect sketch that is bound together into one masterful series of scenes.

FrontiersMan trudges through the wilds of social commentary. The activist approaching FrontiersMan allows the hero to explain all that can go wrong when you set out to make a difference. We see how easily it is to become overwhelmed from the weight of the responsibility. And also how you make yourself an enemy to everyone. A later conversation with Professor Unicell, another former member of the Bold Travelers, makes that message clear. He mentions how the villian Barhos once said to him that people behave how they want to. They are even willing to become a hysterical mob. All it takes is a nudge.

Score: 8.7

Frontiersman # 1 by Image Comics 3.99
  • Story/Plot - 8.5/10
  • Art/Style - 9/10
  • Overall Entertainment/Value - 8.5/10


PATIENCE! CONVICTION! REVENGE! team PATRICK KINDLON & MARCO FERRARI retunite for an all-new ONGOING SERIES at Image! Classic Green Arrow-style adventure blends with the thoughtfulness of Concrete in a superhero odyssey for mature, but uncynical, readers! Frontiersman is coaxed out of retirement by an environmentalist group, only to find that being a spokesperson makes him a target for old and new enemies alike! For the superhero reader looking for more.


Unique look at the makeup and breakdown of a hero. The sketches and coloring throughout this comic are remarkable.  The details are captured in the artwork.


Not a typical super hero comic.  More commentary than anything else at this point.

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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