Future State: Gotham #1

May 10, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Future State: Gotham #1
DC Comics

Written by: Joshua Williamson and Dennis Culver
Art by: Giannis Milogiannis
Letters by: Troy Peteri

Red Hood’s storyline in DC Future State was one of the best of the event. Given the direction Joshua Williamson took and the character’s popularity, it’s a wonder he didn’t get his own title in the line-wide event.

But, it’s hard for Red Hood fans to complain at this stage. On top of Jason Todd being the headlining character in Batman: Urban Legends, the second Robin now finds himself at the center of Future State: Gotham.

When Williamson worked with the character during the two-month event, it was evident he had a good feel for Red Hood. This character does bad things to accomplish good, and he doesn’t care who he irritates in the process. Jason Todd needs to operate in the grey — maybe even slightly lean a bit toward bad over good.

Readers have a little more clarity about what Red Hood is doing heading into Future State: Gotham #1, but there’s still some major unknowns. By the end of the issue, it becomes abundantly clear Red Hood has upset more than a few people with the path he’s taken. But, that’s when Jason is at his best — fighting for a cause he believes in and in the manner he deems appropriate.

Though, I’ll admit, not sure how Jason will be able to justify hunting the Bat-Family for the Magistrate — one of Red Hood’s objectives we learned about when DC first announced the series. With there not being a main-line Red Hood story, this has the making of a must-read for fans of the character, similar to Batman: Urban Legends.

Also, can we please get more Yasmine Putri covers? One of the best cover artists out there. Every one Putri churns out is electric.

Score: 8.5