Future State: The Next Batman #3
DC Comics
Written by: John Ridley
Art by: Laura Braga
Breakdowns by: Nick Derington
Colors by: Arif Prianto
Letters by: Clayton Cowles
Future State: The Next Batman #3 did not need a jaw-dropping moment to ensure readers come back for the final issue of Jon Ridley and Laura Braga’s story. Yet, here we are.
But Ridley gives more than one reason to come back for the final issue of his impressive run — one of the best stories from DC Comics’ Future State event. What’s been such a big separator is Ridley’s world-building. The primary focus is, of course, on Batman. But, readers also see a bit of his parents, as well as his siblings. Even though some of Jace/Tim Fox’s family has been involved in vigilantism in the past and they all have thoughts on the new Batman — despite the fact they’re all unaware of who’s under the mask — they’re all focused on the same matter from a different angle.
Future State: The Next Batman #3 simply feels like another glimpse into the daily, stress-filled life of the Fox family and those they frequently interact with. There’s a lot of anger, both on the surface and underlying. Four issues won’t be enough to hash that all out — good thing Ridley will get a chance to do more with the story beyond Future State.
Also featured in this issue was the second chapter of Outsiders by Brandon Thomas (writing), Sumit Kumar (pencils and inks), Raul Fernandez (inks), Jordie Bellaire (colors) and Steve Wands (letters), along with the second chapter of Arkham Knights by Paul Jenkins (writing), Jack Herbert (art), Gabe Eltaeb (colors) and Rob Leigh (letters). No shortage of action in either of these. In fact, as good as The Next Batman was, the action in the two accompanying books was more captivating. Outsiders is high-octane and Arkham Knights features some emotion, particularly in one spot.
That said, there’s one image that will be stuck in your head after reading all three stories in this giant issue, leaving readings waiting anxiously for Future State: The Next Batman #4.