Geeks Talk TV Week 6: Magicians, Arrow, Flash, Supergirl

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Geeks Talk TV is GWW Radio’s new name for the former Scene N Nerd Earth-2 crew Everett and Kerri. They’re still around but talking more shows than ever in a shorter format than before! Check out all of the pods from week 6 (2-5-17 to 2-11-17). One for each of the CW DCU shows.


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The Flash

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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

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Let us know what you think of our show @GeeksTalkTV on Twitter and let us know which shows you’d like us to talk about. Be sure to follow and subscribe to the pod if you enjoyed it!

Intro/Outro music:
There It Is Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

By Everett Harn

American Expat living in Sweden. Major film, comic, video game geek. Enjoys writing and sleeping as his main hobbies. Loves Pugs, Tom Cruise films, and life. Destroyer of Lymphoma and Unblessed of the Metal Age.

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