Gogor #1 Review

May 2, 2019

Mad Cave Studios


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Gogor #1
Image Comics

Words, Art, Letters, Colors: by Ken Garing

It is a very heavy and lofty task to take on all duties of a comic. Something always gives or sometimes all it falls flat. Gogor is in the latter category. Ken does his best to handle all aspects of his creation but to deliver on all fronts was an uphill battle from the start. Now, it’s not a bad comics by any means, it just underperforms in so many areas.

The story overall is the typical troupe found in a lot of fantasy stories. Peaceful location gets taken over by a militaristic regime and lone savior has to save the day. This allows it to follow a very common plot with little need to build upon what’s needed.

The art and color is standard and borderlines on basic. This isn’t to say that it’s bad, but it’s pretty formulaic with a lot of things. A lot of the characters features blend in and make its similar to anime where the clothes and hair tells them apart. The coloring is limited as well and this is evident with how the shading and shadowing is done.

Ken Garing does take a risk by doing everything and there is some bright moments in Gogor. If he gives up some of the control and allows someone else to take on a role the story or art, it can improve immensely. I felt that this is too much of a task to take on and without a fully fleshed-out story to draw upon. By doing everything, the product suffers.

Hopefully, Gogor can fix the issues and improve as a family friendly fantasy story that is needed. By taking the entire comic on, may ultimately cause its demise.