The Good Wife 7.8: Diane’s Restraint

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“Wouldn’t it be odd if the person who respected you the most was the person you agreed with the least,” says Ethan Carver (Peter Gallagher) to Diane Lockhart (Christine Baranski). This remark concludes episode eight’s opening act and is illustrated by Judge Ben Margovski’s (Richard Portnow) swing of the gavel, during the final courtroom scene. Republican think-tank head Reese Dipple has his henchman present an abortion case to his liberal council, Diane Lockhart. “No, she tricked me into donating fetal tissue, she never told me it would be sold,” states plaintiff Stacy Groom (Andrea Syglowski). With help from Jason Crouse (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), Diane cross-examines Stacy, proving to Ethan that this is not a case to pursue. Case closed…wrong. Carver has a surreptitious video of Stacy Groom’s abortion clinic doctor casually discussing the procedure over yogurt. He wants to put this on the Internet in order to find the right plaintiff to sue this clinic, unfortunately the abortion clinic follows a pre-emptive suit, “ You may not agree with our tapes, or how they were made, but prior restraint is just wrong, and you know it,” pleads Ethan to Daine. He evens uses Diane’s own first amendment argument, as a persuasion technique to secure her as their legal council in the case. This scene illustrates their mutual respect and admiration for one another…while unknowingly foreshadowing the disagreements to come between Diane and her former liberal allies and clients.

“If your talking about this case, its not about choice…its about the first amendment,” says Diane to her friend and NWA chair Bea Wilson (Kelly Bishop). Minor Gilmore Girls reunion between guest-star, Kelly Bishop and Matt Czuchy, our very own Mr. Agos…well they’re a long way from Stars Hallow now. Back in New York City Bea Wilson argues with Diane about this abortion, sorry, first amendment case, “ We wouldn’t have to argue against them [the tapes] if they weren’t made public.” This is where the episode takes an interesting turn to connect Alicia’s firm money troubles, with Diane’s restraint to stay on as council in this case. Grace Florrick (Makenzie Vega) will receive half percent on billable hours for every client she can sign the firm to. A wee-bit convenient that Grace happens to call NWA, just as Bea and Diane begin to butt heads. The line between these two firms become even more crossed as Jason Crouse continues to find himself caught between Diane and Alicia; l mean he’s literally on the phone with Alicia, when Diane calls him over to discuss a case. I smell another firm battle brewing between these former colleagues, partners, and friends. Grace didn’t only secure the NWA, but three other wealthy Agos-Lockhart clients; more importantly Diane’s clients, “I really hate it when I agree with me.”

“Diane, I’ve known you for a long time and this is not your case,” says Judge Ben Margovski after pulling her into his chambers for a private meeting. Red flag number one. “Are you saying that I shouldn’t pursue this case, because of my politics?” asks Diane. Go, with your gut instinct, Diane and stand your ground. “This undercover tape is disgusting…its like all right-winged republicans, they don’t play fair.” Well, I am not a lawyer, but I watch this show, so I understand the concept behind a judge recusing himself due to political bias. Pause, Christine Baranski you break my heart in this scene. She portrays vulnerability, realizing how her very own politics are restraining her from professional victories. Her former friends and allies are now professionally disrespecting her; remember Ethan’s earlier remark. Now game face…and best scene of the episode. Diane refuses to let the case go, as she attempts one last-ditch effort and calls Stacy Groom to the stand. See, Diane argues that the client has denied the defenses evidence to prove cause in the Stacy Groom lawsuit. The Judge continues to deny Diane’s motions in the courtroom, forcing her to play her remaining card, “I would like to file a motion for a substitution of judge.” Note to self, never put Diane Lockhart in the corner, “There’s nothing on the record, because you pulled me into your chambers for an improper ex-parte conversation.” Needless to say the Judge losses his control, and in a sense Diane recuses herself from the case. She held her ground and only lost a few clients…okay four, wealthy clients to Alicia, but she’ll figure it out that later.

The Good Wife, Restraint (7×08), included Eli Gold’s surprising hookup with Courtney Paige. Alicia informing both Eli and the viewers, that her Chicago Council vote is still undecided. After seven seasons I have grown used to watching Alicia being backed into a courtroom, due to her public persona. After this episode I can’t wait to see Diane take on Alicia, they’re both extremely scrappy lawyers…I wonder who Jason Crouse would place his money on…stay tuned.

By Sarah Belmont

First and foremost I am a TV/Film nerd. Secondly, I am a SceneNNerd writer/blogger/podcaster. At the end of the day, I am a small town Alaskan girl. In 2012 I graduated from the University of Alaska Fairbanks with a BA in Broadcast Journalism. I have aspired to be a writer ever since I became the editor of my high school yearbook. I fell in love with film as a child. My family would always rent movies on the weekend and afterwards breakdown the plot. I have been an avid reader ever since my Harry Potter obsession in elementary school. In college I took a film noir class that changed my perspective on the film/TV medium. I discovered that I could break down a single shot on the screen, just like how I would approach breaking down a sentence in a book. I have been hooked ever since. A good TV show, or film tells a great story. A great TV show, or film includes nuances and subtext that can be explored by nerds like me.

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