The long wait is over, and the award-winning Charles Ardai, co-founder of Hard Case Crime, is back with the second series of Gun Honey. Yes, the lovely Joanna Tan is back to grace the covers and pages of a new action-packed thrill ride of epicness. Why so excited? Well, the first series was a breakout success and with the first issue almost on sale I just can’t keep the excitement tamed within me. However, my editor was kind enough to ask me to take a look at the first issue, but I will not be spoiling it for you. This is one series you will need to read for yourself.
Written By: Charles Ardai
Art By: Ang Hor Kheng
Colors By: Asifur Rahman
Letters By: David Leach
Gun Honey: Blood for Blood
Joanna Tan the legendary Gun Honey, is still on a well-deserved break from the fast-paced action-filled world of gun smuggling when she gets thrown back into the fray when a rival takes her place and frames her for murder. Joanna is on the run, from Malaysia to Milan. Will Joanna set the record straight or will her rival best her?
If you have not yet discovered the first series, you are missing out on a gem. Gun Honey is the story you did not know you needed. It is sleek, sexy, and filled with fantastic action sequences. Luckily for you, the first series has been collected in a graphic novel and is currently on sale.
The Art and Style
Even though it has been a year since the first issue was released, I honestly can say the art is still awe-inspiring. Ang Hor Kheng is amazing. The world that he creates truly inspires and is absolutely believable. The panels flow seamlessly into each other and it propels the story to a new height. I praised every issue of the first series for the art. And after the first issue, I can see the trend is going to continue.
Final Thoughts
I can not wait to see where this is heading. With the first issue done, I can’t wait to get my hands on the second one. It starts off with a bang and ends on a cliffhanger. I will probably be wondering my days away until I get my hands on the second issue, and just fall back into the loop again. Order is restored to the world and Gun Honey is back with a Bang!