GWW Capes Crew Special: Coming Home with Tim Seeley (Interview)

Jan 20, 2016

Mad Cave Studios


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I met Tim Seeley in his very own old high school, this time sitting at the head of the class, at the teacher’s desk, no less. Mr. Seeley returned home for EverCon at D.C. Everest now Junior High in Schofield, WI and I had the honor to interview him there.

Listen in and you’ll hear for yourself all about Seeley: the creator of Hack/Slash and Revival, his master work “rural noir” entering its final year, and a writer for DC comics with projects Grayson and Batman and Robin Eternal. Learn how Mr. Seeley got his start in comics and how he develops characters and storylines (Revival, for example, came about while he grew up in northern Wisconsin, like myself! Where we sometimes have to spend six months out of the year inside…) You’ll also find out about an exciting upcoming project AND the favorite action figures in his collection.