GWW Capes Crew/ETMF Podcast Special: Going Kamikaze with the creators of Kamikaze Comic

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Shaun and Casey (@TheComixKid), editor- in-chief of interview the creative team of the digital comic Kamikaze. Carrie Tupper (@mermaidshells), Alan Tupper (@ThatTupperKid), and Havana Nguyen (@havanatweets) talk about the creative process behind Kamikaze, the setting of the comic, aiming to become an animated series, their Kickstarter to fund a printed volume of Kamikaze, all of the activities they will be doing at Momocon, and more.

To read Kamikaze go to, and follow them on Twitter @KamikazeComic.

Contribute to their KICKSTART HERE

By Shaun Washington

I was born and raised in Chicago, IL and attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where I honed my FPS skills. Since then I have acquired a wife, two kids, an MBA, and relocated to suburban Atlanta, GA. I realized my love for video games the second my hands touched an NES controller circa 1989 and I have loved comic books for as long as I can remember. I've expanded my level of geekdom to books, TV, movies, and going to as many conventions as I can. I even started to a podcast (ETMF Podcast) to discuss all the things that I enjoy today. Twitter: @etmfpodcast PSN ID: SDiddy0906 Xbox Live ID: SDiddy0906 Current console of choice: PS4 Xbox One Favorite Genre: Sports, Action RPG, FPS Career Systems: NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, N64, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, PS1, PS2, Xbox, PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, DS, 3DS, PS4, Xbox One

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