We Have a Hulk #61: David Anders and Colossal

May 22, 2017

In this episode, we interview David Anders who plays Blaine DeBeers in iZombie. He chats to us about what we can look forward to in the rest of series 3, his time on set and what brains actually taste like. We also review Colossal & answer your questions – enjoy!

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00:00 – 18:15 Intro, News & At Home with the Hulks
18:15 – 31:44 Colossal Review
31:44 – 45:22 David Anders Interview
45:22 – 1:06:08 Listener Questions
1:06:08 – 1:07:55 Outro

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Music By HeatleyBros – https://www.youtube.com/user/HeatleyBros