Inside the House of the Dragon Season 2 Cast: Who’s New and Who’s Back

Jun 12, 2024

House of the Dragon Season 2 Cast: New and Returning Stars

Season 2 of “House of the Dragon” is sure to captivate viewers with its bigger cast and more in-depth look at the turbulent Targaryen civil war. Building on how exciting the first season was, this Thrones prequel series tells the epic story of the Targaryen rule.

New cast members Simon Russell Beale and Freddie Fox are very interesting. They join returning favorites like Prince Daemon Targaryen and Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. The fight for the Iron Throne promises drama and excitement on a level that has never been seen before.

Who is Joining House of the Dragon Season 2?

Emma D'Arcy as Rhaenyra Targaryen, House of the Dragon Season 2 Cast

Photo Credit: HBO

The “House of the Dragon” Season 2 cast sees several new additions that are set to enrich the storyline and add new dimensions to the unfolding civil war. The show continues to expand its ensemble with talented actors who will portray key figures in the Targaryen saga.

New Additions to the Cast

  • Gayle Rankin as Alys Rivers: A key figure among the Greens, she is referred to as the Witch Queen of Harrenhal.
  • Simon Russell Beale as Ser Simon Strong: An additional wrinkle in the intricate web of political alliances: great-uncle to Lord Larys Strong.
  • Freddie Fox as Ser Gwayne Hightower: He is King Aegon II Targaryen’s uncle and Alicent Hightower’s brother.
  • Clinton Liberty, Jamie Kenna, Kieran Bew, Tom Bennett, Tom Taylor, and Vincent Regan are some of the other new cast members who stand out.

Returning Favorites

  • Emma D’Arcy as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen: Through the Civil War, she keeps going on her quest.
  • Matt Smith as Prince Daemon Targaryen: The story arc of his character promises more excitement and mystery.
  • Olivia Cooke as Queen Alicent Hightower: A key figure in the Greens group.
  • Rhys Ifans as Otto Hightower: He is still influencing things to happen at King’s Landing.
  • Steve Toussaint as Lord Corlys Velaryon: His ambitions and loyalty are very important to how the story goes.

With these new and returning cast members, Season 2 of “House of the Dragon” is sure to have a story with lots of layers. Every character, old and new, is very important in the Targaryen civil war, which means that the season will be full of intense drama and surprising turns.

What Dragon was Daemon Singing to?

Rhaenyra Targaryen with a dragon behind her, House of the Dragon Season 2 Cast

Photo Credit: HBO

In the first season of “House of the Dragon,” there is a scene that fans will remember where Prince Daemon Targaryen sings to a dragon. What you see here is Vermithor, also called the Bronze Fury. It was one of the biggest and scariest dragons in Targaryen history.

Vermithor’s appearance in the second season shows that he will play a big part in the upcoming scenes, especially in the Targaryen civil war that is still going on.

The Mystery of Vermithor

  • King Jaehaerys I Targaryen previously rode Vermithor, making him a valuable asset in the Targaryen lineage.
  • Known for his immense size and bronze scales, Vermithor is second only to Balerion in terms of power and fearsome reputation.

Daemon Targaryen’s Connection

  • Matt Smith plays Prince Daemon Targaryen, who is a major character in the civil war. His relationship with Vermithor shows that he is becoming more powerful and strong in battle.
  • The scene where Daemon sings to Vermithor shows that his relationship with the dragon is growing stronger, which could be a hint at how they will work together in future fights.

Vermithor’s return will likely lead to great battles in the air and have a big effect on the fight for the Iron Throne. Under Daemon’s leadership, this strong dragon has the potential to change the balance of power in the Targaryen civil war. This will make his part very important in the second season.

Who is Daenerys’ Father?

Daenerys Targaryen riding a dragon from Game of Thrones series

Photo Credit: HBO

In the long history of Westeros, King Aerys II Targaryen, also known as “the Mad King,” is Daenerys’s father and a very important figure in the events that lead up to “Game of Thrones.” 

Fear and oppression were hallmarks of Aerys II’s rule, which resulted in his defeat and gave Robert Baratheon the Iron Throne.

A Brief History of Aerys II Targaryen

  • He was known as the “Mad King” because he was unpredictable and mean.
  • During his rule, things became more unstable and violent, like when Rickard and Brandon Stark were killed.
  • His fixation on wildfires and growing paranoia turned off many of his friends, such as House Stark and House Baratheon.

His Impact on the House of the Dragon

  • Aerys II’s history of insanity and control over the Targaryen family has cast a long shadow over it. It affects what happens in the first season and what drives the characters in “House of the Dragon.”
  • The series is about political and family problems, set against the background of his cruel rule and ultimate overthrow.

Knowing about Aerys II’s past and how he affected the Targaryen family is important for understanding the current civil war and the goals of characters like Prince Daemon Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower.

There will still be echoes of the Mad King’s rule in the power struggles and relationships that make up the fight for the Iron Throne as the second season goes deeper into the Targaryen family history.

Who Plays Jace Targaryen?

Harry Collett and Tom Taylor as Jacaerys Velaryon and Cregan Stark, House of the Dragon Season 2 Cast

Photo Credit: HBO

Harry Collett plays Jacaerys Velaryon, who is one of the most important characters in “House of the Dragon.” He plays a very important part in the Targaryen civil war, also called the Dance of the Dragons. It is very important for the story to know that Jacaerys is the eldest son of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and the heir to the Iron Throne.

  • Harry Collett is a young actor whose career looks bright.
  • Some of the well-known plays he has been in are “Dunkirk” and “Dolittle.”
  • His role as Jace Targaryen shows how good an actor he is and how well he can play complicated characters.

Jacaerys Velaryon’s Role in Season 2

  • For Jacaerys is the son of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Targaryen civil war is very important to him.
  • He is a good boss and a skilled dragon rider. His dragon, Vermax, obeys him.
  • In the battle for the Iron Throne, his character growth will focus on how well he can lead and plan.

Because of how well Harry Collett plays him, Jacaerys Velaryon will be a major character in the second season. Because of how his actions and choices will affect the Targaryen civil war, he is a figure to keep a close eye on as the Thrones prequel continues.

Who Rides Vermithor?

One of the most dangerous dragons in the “House of the Dragon” stories is Vermithor, also known as the Bronze Fury. King Jaehaerys I Targaryen used to ride this strong dragon, and it is an important part of the Targaryen civil war. The secret surrounding Vermithor’s rider makes the second season more interesting.

Vermithor’s Rider Revealed

  • It was ridden by King Jaehaerys I Targaryen in the past.
  • There are rumors and ideas that a new rider could play a key role in the second season.
  • Key figures like Prince Daemon Targaryen or a new character who comes in to change the balance of power could be riders.

Role in the Targaryen Civil War

  • Vermithor is very important to the civil war because of how big and strong he is.
  • The balance of power among the Targaryens will change a lot because of his rider’s loyalty.
  • Vermithor’s part is very important to the story because how he is used in battle will determine how the conflict develops.

When “House of the Dragon” gets into the more complicated parts of the Targaryen civil war, Vermithor’s rider will make a big difference. This new information means that there will be intense battles in the air and big changes in alliances in the second season, which will keep fans on the edge of their seats.

Is Jacaerys a Targaryen?

People often call Jacaerys Velaryon “Jace.” He is, in fact, a Targaryen by blood. He is the oldest son of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Laenor Velaryon. Because of this, he is at the center of the Targaryen civil war.

The Targaryen family history of Jace is very important to the political and dynastic battles shown in “House of the Dragon,” the prequel series to “Game of Thrones.”

The Lineage of Jacaerys Velaryon

  • Mother: The son of King Viserys I Targaryen, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, makes Jacaerys a direct Targaryen heir.
  • Father: Jace is linked to the powerful House Velaryon through Ser Laenor Velaryon.
  • Even though his last name is Velaryon, his Targaryen blood is a big part of who he is and why he claims the Iron Throne.

Significance in the House of the Dragon

  • She can make a stronger case against the Greens, who are under the leadership of Queen Alicent Hightower, because Jace is Rhaenyra’s child.
  • His dragon, Vermax, makes him even more important from a military point of view in the Targaryen civil war.
  • Because he is related to the Targaryens, he is very important in the current war because he has strong ties with other houses that support the Targaryens.

The history of Jacaerys and his part in the civil war shows how complicated Targaryen politics are and how strongly people in Westeros are loyal to their bloodlines. His acts will continue to change the balance of power and the battle for the Iron Throne as the series goes on.

The Targaryen family tree is very long, and Jacaerys Velaryon and Jon Snow are connected. Although their stories take place in different times in the “Game of Thrones” world, both characters are related to the Targaryen family.

The Targaryen Family Tree

  • Jacaerys Velaryon: He was born during the Targaryen civil war, which is also known as the Dance of the Dragons. He is the son of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Laenor Velaryon.
  • Jon Snow: The hidden heir to the Iron Throne, Aegon Targaryen, was revealed in “Game of Thrones” to be Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen’s son.

Historical Context and Connections

  • One of Jace’s ancestors is Jon Snow. Jon Snow is related to the Targaryen family through his father, Rhaegar.
  • This link puts both characters in the bigger story of Martin’s book “Fire & Blood” and the series that came after it, “Game of Thrones.”

Implications for the Story

  • Figuring out how Jace is related to Jon Snow adds to the history and lore of the Targaryen family.
  • It brings out the themes of legacy, bloodlines, and the fight for power that run through both stories.
  • This connection can also help viewers understand what’s going on by connecting the events of “House of the Dragon” to the more well-known “Game of Thrones” plot.

By showing the family ties between Jacaerys and Jon Snow, the show emphasizes how important the Targaryen DNA is and how it affects the future of Westeros. There are more layers to the story because of this link between the “Thrones” prequel series and the epic tale of “Game of Thrones.”

Key Takeaways

The second season of “House of the Dragon” is supposed to add to the story and make the world that was introduced in the first season bigger. The show will go deeper into the complicated aspects of the Targaryen civil war with a large group of new and returning actors.

Returning Favorites:

  • Matt Smith as Prince Daemon Targaryen
  • Emma D’Arcy as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
  • Ewan Mitchell as Prince Aemond Targaryen
  • Olivia Cooke as Queen Alicent Hightower
  • Rhys Ifans as Otto Hightower

New Cast Members:

  • Simon Russell Beale as Ser Simon Strong
  • Freddie Fox as Ser Gwayne Hightower
  • Gayle Rankin as Alys Rivers

George R.R. Martin’s characters come to life thanks to the talented and varied group. They give the story more depth and complexity. New characters like Simon Russell Beale and Freddie Fox will add new points of view and tensions to the story, making it more interesting.

Season 2 of “House of the Dragon” is sure to captivate viewers with its mix of captivating performances and intricate storytelling. It will be an exciting continuation of the Targaryen tale.


When is the premiere date for House of the Dragon Season 2?

The second season of “House of the Dragon” will start airing in 2024. Fans can look forward to another exciting book in the Targaryen story.

Who are the new cast members joining in Season 2?

Simon Russell Beale plays Ser. Simon Strong, Freddie Fox plays Ser. Gwayne Hightower, and Gayle Rankin play Alys Rivers.

What are the main plot points for Season 2?

Season 2 will continue to look at the Targaryen civil war, with the fight of Rhaenyra Targaryen and King Aegon II Targaryen for power being the main focus. Important battles and political maneuvers will be the story’s driving forces.

How many episodes will there be in Season 2?

The second season of “House of the Dragon” will likely have 8 episodes, which is a few less than the first season but still full of intense drama and action.

Will there be more seasons after Season 2?

Even though there have been no official announcements, Martin’s “Fire & Blood” has a complex plot and a lot of source material that makes it possible for more seasons to fully explore Targaryen history.