Introducing .box: The Future of Domain Names with Web3 Integration

Jan 18, 2024

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Introducing .box – The World’s First Blockchain Native, DNS Routable Domain

Summary Inc. is launching the Public Beta of its domain name system, .box, which is supported natively by browsers, email, and wallets. This innovative approach bridges Web3 and Web2, offering secure and seamless identity on both platforms. Unlike other blockchain domain systems, .box is ICANN-accredited and supported by the Ethereum Name Service (ENS), providing a better user experience.

Introduction Inc. is revolutionizing the domain name industry with its upcoming Public Beta launch of the .box domain name system. This system is the first to be supported natively by browsers, email, and wallets, bridging the gap between Web3 and Web2. By empowering users with decentralized ownership and access to various features, .box aims to provide a secure and seamless digital identity experience.

Main Points

.box domains offer decentralized ownership and access to DNS record management, ENS integration, payments, Web3 authentication, Web3 messaging, websites, and email. The integration of both DNS and ENS allows for a better user experience compared to other blockchain-based top-level domains. .box sets a new standard by seamlessly working with traditional browsers and email services, ensuring widespread adoption by both Web3 enthusiasts and newcomers.

The .box TLD is owned and operated by Intercap Registry, an ICANN Accredited Registry Operator, with core partners including 3DNS and ENS Labs. The team behind .box aims to bring the benefits of Web3 to the domain industry by providing interoperability between DNS and blockchain systems. During the launch phase, .box domains will follow a premium pricing structure, starting at $7,680 USDC and decaying exponentially over six days until reaching a fixed rate of $120 USDC per year for renewal.


.box is breaking new ground in the domain name industry by offering a domain name system that is supported natively by browsers, email, and wallets. This innovative approach bridges the gap between Web3 and Web2, providing users with decentralized ownership and access to various features. With its ICANN accreditation and integration of the Ethereum Name Service, .box sets a new standard for blockchain-based top-level domains. The .box team aims to bring the benefits of Web3 to the domain industry and expects widespread adoption among Web3 enthusiasts and newcomers.