Apr 25, 2020

Being that they’re stuck indoors and there really isn’t a whole lot shaking in the world of geek culture, Jake and Tom decided that they were pretty much gonna wing it for this episode.  So they brought in their friend Roe (host of the weird, wonderful & strange podcast, “Project: Archivist“) to shoot the breeze.  Listen in as the three of them have one of the funnier conversations you’re gonna find in this feed, as the fellas discus the following:

• Watching talk shows & wrestling without a live audience is just awkward.

• When you think about it, even under normal circumstances, wrestling is kinda batshit insane.

• The best way to defeat Roe in a knife-fight is to first strip down naked.

• Modern day ninjas are disguising themselves as shrubberies during the quarantine.

• The legalities of teaching your dog to drive.

• Why did God give a anti-viral laser drone to a mega-church, but not to hospitals?


• The perfect spicy wing recipe for the macho assholes in your life.

As always, be sure to help Jake and Tom in their quest for world domination by sharing their show with your friends, rating them highly on Apple Podcasts, following them on social media, listening in on Tom’s guest spots over on “Someone’s Favorite Movie” (hosted by friend of the show, Randy Perkins), and by supporting all of the other great shows brought to you by their partners in internet radio, Geeks Worldwide!

Copyright 2020 Thomas Coe, Jacob Wilson & Roejen Razorwire

Intro By HAB

Cover Art By Villain Archives