Jamie Foxx Returns as Electro for Marvel’s Spider-Man 3

Oct 1, 2020

It what can only be describe as a shocking turn of events Jamie Foxx has joined Jon Watts’ Spider-Man 3 but that’s not the juicy part. The Hollywood Report who broke the news is also reporting Foxx will be reprising his role from ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ as the villanous Electro.

This news comes with massive implications and possible spoilers for the future of the MCU as we know both WandaVision and Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness will introduce the idea of an MCU multiverse featuring various versions of our favorite characters. This also gives Sony and the MCU a way to combine things like Venom and Morbius with Spider-Man while also giving those solo movies an out in case they don’t want to tie directly to the MCU.

Foxx’s return also points to the possibility of a live action Spider-verse and other Spider-Men showing up in Spider-Man 3 or other MCU installments. Only time will tell but it’s certainly and exciting prospect.

Spider-Man 3, is currently scheduled to release on Nov. 5, 2021

Source: The Hollywood Reporter