Gentlemen, I present to you the Moby Wrap. Coming in under $50 MSRP, this 100% cotton baby carrier has the potential to unlock hours of gaming. The purpose of the Moby is to releave your arms of the weight and occupancy associated with carrying a newborn while swaddling her. So, if you kick your feet up and play Thief on PS4 (like I did), this is a no-brainer. As you dad’s out there know, the 2 hours or so after feeding a newborn can be the most peaceful times of your day. But, for our baby, the moment you set her down she begins to fuss. She loves to be swaddled, I love to game. The Moby allows me to do both while keeping an extremely close eye on her. I think every dad checks their newborn every few minutes to make sure they’re still breathing. With the Moby I could easily hear her breath as well as hear those little chirps she makes that I would miss from several feet away.
If you’re a new or soon-to-be dad, I highly recommend the Moby Wrap so you can continue to game while being a very watchful protector. Game on!