Kao The Kangaroo (Review)

May 27, 2022

Crash Bandicoot has a cousin, or at least if they did, it would be Kao. Kao is a magic boxing glove wielding down-under kangaroo. Kao the Kangaroo released on all platforms May 27, 2022 is a 3D platformer that feels directly ripped from the N64 and upgraded for next gen consoles. It’s a fun, imaginative and jam packed with action and puzzles. Its lackluster voice cast, embarrassing dialogue and rather pedestrian enemies doesn’t take away from the fun and bright environments. Is the game worth your time and hard earned bucks? Let’s get into more.

Release Date: May 27, 2022 (All Platforms)

GWW was provided a digital code for the PS4 for the purpose of this review. The review will thus be reviewing every aspect of the game via the system it was played on. As well, during the play-through of the game, a glitch hindered the progression of the story. For the purpose of this review, it is IN PROGRESS.


Right away, the game plays exceptionally well. Kao is fluid in his movements, whether it be his punches, tail swipes or double jumps. Traversing the different worlds is both fun and easy. Hints for gameplay are provided via a little crab with a sign. Mostly though without the hints, picking up the gameplay is quite easy. Which is a huge selling point. Nothing matters more when your playing as a kangaroo fighting monkeys than ease of play. Not everything has to be difficult. Which isn’t to say that the game is easy. Enemies are not the biggest fowl though.

The hardest and most rewarding level of gameplay is the traversal. Using your tale, your magic gloves or your double jump to get from point A to point B is where the fun lies. It’s also where you may find the most difficulty. Whether it’s because the mechanics are a little sloppy (which they are at certain parts) or because it is just a difficult game. Running towards the screen, away from an enemy on a giant barrel, with only yourself and a small platform to jump on? Ya it gets pretty difficult. Throw the controller on the ground difficult.

All in all the gameplay is fun and doesn’t get boring. Upgrades and new additions to Kao’s arsenal helps, even with repetitive nature of every new world he goes to. As an aside, picking up coins that look like dunkaroo cookies should not be lost on you.

Kao on the run


This game is everything a platformer should look like. It’s bright, it’s playful and it’s cartoon nature plays well on all platforms. For the PS4, the game runs smoothly, with only a few drops and glitches. The biggest thing about Kao on the PS4 were the colors. Yellow, purple, blue and green leap off the screen. The environments are beautiful to look at. Snow, sand and water are all staples on each world, and with it brings not just something to look at but also differing gameplay mechanics and abilities. Visuals represent danger, but also can be used as guides in completing puzzles.

The visuals aren’t ground breaking. They are not meant to be. This cartoon via time warp from the days of the N64 are upgraded and look great on the PS4. Differing characters, whether it be frogs, monkeys or birds are all cute. Landscapes and environments are all made in a straight line. They aren’t claustrophobic but exploration is not a strong suit of Kao the Kangaroo. What the environments and characters designs get right are the playful nature. The gameplay is fun, the characters are cute. What it comes down to is the heartbeat of the game. Both good guys and bad guys, trees, rivers, sand and the elements all breathe life into the game.

Kao looks out upon the Frozen Mountains

Overall Enjoyment

Yes, Kao The Kangaroo is fun. That’s pretty much it. It’s a fun 3D platformer with action around every corner, and bright and colorful visuals. If the story were better, if the voice cast and dialogue were better, then this would be a must buy for any platformer lover. Right now its just a fun time that brings back Crash Bandicoot vibes.

Score: 7.3