Kree Empire Commando Team Starforce Confirmed For ‘Captain Marvel’

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Another interesting tidbit from the EntertainmentWeekly piece about Captain Marvel has revealed Kree Empire commando team Starforce. It looks like the ranks will consist of Danvers, Mar-Vell, Ronan, Korath, Minn-Evra, and a few others.

The film sidesteps the traditional origin-story template, and when it begins, Carol already has her powers. She’s left her earthly life behind to join the elite military team Starforce on the Kree planet of Hala. (Directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck describe Starforce as the SEAL Team Six of space.) Its members include Carol, Korath (Djimon Hounsou, returning from Guardians of the Galaxy), and Minn-Erva (Crazy Rich Asians’ Gemma Chan).

Omega Underground first suggested we could be seeing Starforce in the film when Gemma Chan was cast as ranking member Doctor Minerva.

The team will likely be formed to take down the threat of Skrulls like Ben Mendelsohn’s Talos The Untamed, whether they’ll have the Earth’s best interest in mind remains to be seen. There is a good chance that we’ll see some elements of the Kree-Skrull War as well.

Captain Marvel will be released on March 8th, 2019.


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