Latest Uncharted 4 Trailer Alludes To Greater Depth for Nathan Drake

Dec 21, 2015

Many are already familiar with the character and  persona of  Uncharted‘s Nathan Drake. Those who have played the acclaimed series have seen Drake risk his life countless times all in the name of hunting treasure.

But with the latest Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End trailer, it looks as though developer Naughty Dog will be giving gamers a deeper look into the Nathan Drake character and offer a new perspective, shedding the “two-bit thief” epithet that is referenced in trailer.

Drake, voiced by Nolan North, tells us that’s not who he is, as he attempts to rescue his brother from the clutches of certain death. As we now know, that brother – voiced by Troy Baker – is in a great deal of trouble and he asks Drake go on an adventure to help him out.

What that trouble is exactly, we don’t yet know. But one thing is for sure (probably):  The thief moniker will come to an end, and out of that, a new embodiment heroism will be born in Nathan Drake. Will it require a sacrificial death or will this new Nathan live on? We shall see!

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End comes to PlayStation 4 on March 18, 2016.

What are your thoughts on the Uncharted 4?  Please tell us in the comments below!