Lois Lane #1 (Review)

Jul 2, 2019

Mad Cave Studios


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Lois Lane #1
DC Comics

Words by: Greg Rucka
Art by: Mike Perkins
Colors by: Paul Mounts
Letters by: Simon Bowland

Lois Lane has gotten her first post rebirth series. After tagging along in Action Comics and Superman, she finally was given the chance to show why she was missed so much in the New 52. The series has a good start by selecting Greg Rucka and Mike Perkins for it.

The story is unique as it ties into the events that happened in Action Comics and Superman. To balance this, Rucka and Perkins rely on Lois’s journalism skills to create a world that is almost free of Superman and Clark Kent. The extent of his role is a supporting character.

Rucka is able to understand how powerful of a character Lois is. He was able to do this with Wonder Woman in Rebirth and once again, that is shown in Lois Lane. He reminds us how intelligent and fast-paced Lois is in very few pages. When the main catalyst for the story occurs, she is resourceful, getting the information she needs to solve the problem at hand.

Perkin’s art helps push the story by capturing the tone of the scene. When we get a homage to Deep Throat, he is able to change the tone, accommodating meetings in sketchy garages. When she is talking to Clark, the tone is bright and hopeful. The tone matching the art is one of the best parts of the series as Perkins handles it so well.

Lois Lane has an excellent start and is in the hands of a very skilled creative team. Rucka and Perkins are able to utilize the character’s strength, making Lois’s story unique and about her. This allows us to enjoy how great of a journalist and character she is.