Lost Magic Review

Apr 29, 2022

Mad Cave Studios


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A little bit of Magic.

Lost Magic is magic. If you have the ability to create endless fascinating worlds in your mind filled with all manner of beasts and men, then this my friend is for you. This horror fantasy feels like a prologue an introduction to what is to come, and boy am I freaking out for what is to come, the hights that this story could reach are seemingly endless. Why, well read the review and support the Kickstarter campaign by pledging support. You won’t be disappointed!  


Written by: Arman Nasim
Art by: Martin Munoz
Colors by: Michael Woods
Lettering by: Arman Nasim

The story of Lost Magic

For fear of spoiling or complicating the epicness of this story here is the official description from the campaign.

“What if I told you all the stories you’ve ever heard of monsters are real? They just belong to another world – inexplicably connected to Earth. Every now and then, a portal opens allowing their inhabitants to cross over. This story resides in this lost world. At a time when magic is dying. No one knows why. Heroes of all ages must solve this mystery amongst the stars.

A King rises to build the first civilization. One without magic. A Rebellion looms to keep the chaos and power the way it’s always been. Decisions are all we have. Which side will you join?

Lost Magic Season 1 is made up of 6 episodes – each told through a new character’s POV – setting the stage for an epic that’ll open the reader’s eyes and hearts to the magic of the lost universe.”

The Art.

Initially, when I got asked to review this comic, I was told to have a look and see if I am interested it took me all of 2 minutes. My mind was made up, the art had me hook, line, and sinker. There is something in the art, that sparks curiosity and breaks away the line between fantasy and reality you can almost say that it is carelessly thrown onto the pages, waiting for the next person to discover and build upon and get lost in. I really enjoyed this, a perfect escape from the burden of reality.

Final Thoughts,

I for one will strongly recommend all fans of fantasy, give this book a go. Yes, it is still the first issue, but what Arman Nasim did particularly well was leaving each story at a place where you want to find out what is going to happen next. It lingers, you’ll find yourself thinking about the characters and the situation they are finding themselves in long after you finished the first issue and for me, that is the real sign of a true storyteller. Someone you can brake into your imagination and without you noticing they are shaping it and preparing it for the journey that lies ahead.

In short, this could become a modern-day indy masterpiece.

The Kickstarter campaign for season 2 can really use your support get it here.
