“Major U.S. AI Companies Join Forces to Address AI Safety Concerns and Ensure Responsible Use”

Jul 24, 2023


Seven major U.S. AI companies, including Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, have agreed to a set of safety and responsibility principles announced by President Biden. The agreement aims to address concerns around generative AI, synthetic media, and deepfake technology and includes commitments to independent audits and digital watermarking.


President Biden announced that seven leading AI companies have committed to a set of safety and responsibility principles at the White House. The companies, including Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, will focus on addressing concerns related to generative AI, synthetic media, and deepfake technology. The agreement includes measures such as independent audits and digital watermarking to ensure the responsible use of AI technologies.

Main Points

The agreement covers various aspects of generative AI, including current and potential future misuse. The companies have agreed to conduct extra security tests of their products and invest more in cybersecurity. They have also promised to publicly disclose flaws and risks found in their AI technologies, with a specific focus on fairness, safety, and bias. In terms of deepfake technology, the companies will work on developing ways to detect when deepfakes are deployed, particularly in visual and audio content. The agreement also emphasizes the potential of AI in addressing societal challenges, such as medical and environmental research.


President Biden highlighted the significant promise and risks associated with artificial intelligence during his speech at the signing of the agreement. The commitments made by the seven AI companies are aimed at ensuring the development of safe, secure, and trustworthy technologies that benefit society and uphold shared values. The White House sees these voluntary measures as a temporary bridge until Congress passes legislation to regulate AI. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has plans to introduce a bipartisan bill on AI governance in the future.