“Mark Cuban’s Hot Wallet Hacked: $870k Cryptocurrency Loss Raises Concerns”

Sep 16, 2023

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Article Summary


Mark Cuban, billionaire businessman, allegedly had one of his hot wallets emptied of about $870k worth of cryptocurrency. The incident was initially noticed by a blockchain investigator on September 15. Cuban confirmed that he had logged into MetaMask for the first time in months and suggested that a hacker had been waiting to strike.


On September 15, a blockchain investigator noticed unusual activity in one of Mark Cuban’s wallets that had not been used in over five months. It was discovered that a large number of tokens, including USDC, USDT, and Lido Staked Ether (stETH), were unexpectedly removed from the wallet within a short period of 10 minutes. Cuban later confirmed that he had logged into MetaMask and transferred $2 million USDC to Coinbase Custody.

Main Points

  • Mark Cuban’s hot wallet was emptied of approximately $870k worth of cryptocurrency.
  • Unusual activity in Cuban’s wallet was noticed by a blockchain investigator on September 15.
  • A large number of tokens, including USDC, USDT, and stETH, were removed from the wallet in a 10-minute period.
  • Cuban confirmed logging into MetaMask for the first time in months and suggested a hacker had been waiting to strike.
  • Cuban transferred $2 million USDC to Coinbase Custody, claiming to move leftover funds.
  • Speculation arose regarding whether the hack was Cuban’s fault or a result of hackers monitoring his online behavior.
  • Some believe Cuban may have signed a malicious transaction by accident or had his private key hacked.


Mark Cuban, the billionaire businessman, experienced a security breach in one of his hot wallets, resulting in the loss of around $870k worth of cryptocurrency. Cuban confirmed logging into MetaMask for the first time in months and suggested that a hacker had been waiting to strike. The incident raised questions about Cuban’s online behavior and the security of his private key, leading to speculation as to the cause of the exploit.