Marketing and Sales Leaders Show Cautious Enthusiasm for Generative AI: McKinsey Study

Aug 25, 2023


A recent McKinsey study reveals that marketing and sales leaders are cautiously enthusiastic about deploying generative AI within their organizations. The study found that there is moderate potential value in using generative AI for lead generation, campaign optimization, and personalized outreach. However, there is still a significant gap between interest and implementation, as indicated by survey respondents.


According to a McKinsey study, marketing and sales leaders are showing cautious enthusiasm for the use of generative AI in their organizations. While there is recognition of the potential value across various applications, there is still a disparity between interest and actual implementation.

Main Points:

The survey results indicate that 90% of respondents believe that their teams should utilize generative AI and machine learning techniques frequently. This aligns with the understanding that marketing and sales functions can derive significant economic value from the deployment of AI systems. However, despite this belief, 60% of respondents revealed that their organizations rarely or never use generative AI.

Among the various use cases, survey participants showed the most excitement for employing generative AI during the early stages of the customer journey. Lead identification, marketing optimization, and personalized outreach were identified as the most appealing areas for utilizing generative AI. The appeal stems from its ability to process large datasets, generate tailored messaging and creative content, and automate communication at scale.

The perceived economic impact of generative AI is substantial, which explains the growing interest among companies to adopt the technology in any form that can benefit them.


While marketing and sales leaders are intrigued by the potential of generative AI, there is still a gap between interest and implementation. The study highlights the disconnect between the eagerness to adopt AI and the actual deployment of generative AI systems in real-world scenarios. Nonetheless, there is a growing number of companies showing interest in utilizing generative AI, particularly for lead generation, marketing optimization, and personalized outreach.