Marvel makes plans for Kingpin to capitalize on Civil War II in July

Apr 5, 2016

Mad Cave Studios


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King 1Apparently Wilson Fisk’s plans to capitalize as much on the tragedies of Civil War II in the Marvel Universe, just as much as Marvel plans to capitalize on the popularity of the character in the past year due to Vincent D’Onofiro’s iconic portrayal of the character in Netflix’s Daredevil.  This July Civil War II: Kingpin #1 will hit comic books store shelves as Part 1 of a 4 part story this July, written Matthew Rosenburg with Art by: Ricardo Lopez Ortiz.  I like Marvel’s approach here to explore Civil War II from some different character’s perspectives other than it’s mainstream heroes.  Sure most of us will read another Civil War II Spider-man or Iron Man story, but something like this should be a nice street level palette cleanser for the epic event.

(Source: CBR)

Please let us know your level excitement for a Civil War II Kingpin mini-series in the comments below!