Marvel & Sony Are Already Working On A ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming Sequel’

Oct 18, 2016

After years of wishing Spider-Man was part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Tom Holland swung onto our screens earlier this year as the web slinger in Captain America: Civil War.

With Sony and Marvel now working closely together to do what’s right for the character, the two are in the midst of making the first solo Spider-Man film set within Marvel’s sandbox. Production only recently wrapped on Jon Watts  Spider-Man: Homecoming and already there’s been talks about a sequel according to actor Tom Holland.

Whilst promoting his new film The Lost City of Z Holland said:

“My next project, I can’t tell you about, but we’ve just finished Spider-Man and we’re talking about the second one and who the villain is going to be and where we’re going.”

Hats off to the studios, this is wise thinking on their part. Tom Holland isn’t going to look like a high schooler forever, so by getting another Spider-Man sequel on the go sharpish.

Who would you like to see Spidey go up against in the sequel? I’m good as long as it ain’t Green Goblin. That character needs to sit out a few Spider-Man films.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is set to hit screens July 7, 2017.