mezo Battle at Coban Rock Issue 2 (of 5) Volume 2

Jun 13, 2022

Prelude to the impending Battle

Issue 2 of Volume 2 of Mezo Battle at Coban Rock is a continuation of Issue 1. I must emphasize yet again that Volume 1 and Issue 1 of volume 2 must be read before picking this one up. Vital parts of the story are entrenched in these issues. The recap is just that, a recap. And you will miss the artwork featured in the previous issues.

Publisher: A Wave Blue World

Writer: Tyler Chin-Tanner

Artist: Val Rodrigues

Colorists: Gab Contreras (Pg 8-24) and Varga Tomi (Pgs 1-7)

Letterer: Thomas Mauer


Issue 2 of Volume 2 has a seemingly slow start compared to the fast pace set at the beginning of Issue 1. It does begin, however, with a throwback. A throwback to when Vuh was a young man, and not yet tainted by power and war. And a week before the Rupture occurs. The scene is set by the delivery of slaves to Metzalpote. He is asked to choose a slave by his parents and judging by his tone and mannerisms he showed some genuine concern for the young girl he was going to purchase. Unfortunately, he was outbid by another buyer who seemingly has a strong distaste for Vuh, his family, and their “Cult”.Surprisingly, it is Phegus’s father Matil who purchases Azeillya…. Like eep. How very interesting!

We are then transported to the present day. The Vuh’s are harder than that portrayed in his younger days. Impatient, he requests Ne’nezi to show him the progress of his soldiers to Coban Rock. And here it is revealed that Itza’be is alive much to the great shock of Vuh and his wife.

Final Thoughts:

Jeez. This issue is setting the scene for the upcoming issues! The artwork from the very beginning is rough, and this for me is a dead giveaway for the impending battle that is coming. Even amid an impending battle/war, you see innocence through the eyes of a child.  You also get to see the heartwrenching loss of a young one.  I thoroughly enjoyed this issue. And dare I admit, that I was disappointed when I turned the last page.

Score: 8