Myths Make the World Go ‘Round, a “Mythic #3” (review)

Jul 28, 2015

Mad Cave Studios


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11Mythic #3
Image Comics

Story by: Phil Hester
Art by: John McCrea

I’m a fan of myths and mythology, so the title of this comic peaked my interest, and so far the story has me hooked. The initial Mythic story is recapped in the beginning to tell us (new readers) that the world as we know it (explained by science) only serves the purpose of providing its population comfort. The truth of it is that magic makes the world go ‘round. Just the premise of this story made me want to keep turning the page.

The pace of the comic starts off quick as we see a brawl between two mythological and magical creatures. Quickly coming in to frame and panel are agents for the Mythical Lore Services organization as they try to keep a lid on all the action.  It seems that the world, in their acceptance of things to allow comfort overrule their fear factor, that these agents are in place to just keep things moving the way they33 should. For example by walking around a pit a certain amount of times a day, or lying down in a cow pasture to tickle their utters to keep them milking. As weird as things are, it is a part of our human nature where modern myths were made to explain the normality’s of life away.

The art of John Mcrea is fun and colorful. While the art isn’t anything spectacular, but it holds up well enough to make this myth-story seem realistic. The characters are well modeled and proportionate. So when there is a myth working among the agents, they appear normal and not as super heroes. The script of this comic did a good job of changing the pace when needed. There was action, storytelling, and plot progression all within the same comic. With the plot the way it is set up, I think it will be a fun comic to keep reading and exploring at least enough to find out who wants to kill these agents keeping the world working.

If you read this comic or just dug the review, please let us know your thoughts in the comments below!