Nansen Breach Exposes User Data: Urgent Password Reset Required

Sep 22, 2023

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Summary of Nansen Breach: Users’ Data Compromised

Nansen Breach: Users’ Data Compromised


Analytics hub Nansen reported a security incident where one of its third-party suppliers experienced a breach affecting 6.8% of its users. The hackers gained administrative access to an account used to provide customer access to Nansen’s platform. User email addresses, password hashes, and in some cases, blockchain addresses, were compromised. Nansen claims to have identified all impacted users and requested that they reset their passwords. The company assured users that their funds in the wallet were safe.


Analytics hub Nansen confirmed a security incident involving one of its third-party suppliers. The breach impacted 6.8% of Nansen’s users and resulted in the compromise of user email addresses, password hashes, and in certain cases, blockchain addresses. Nansen has taken steps to address the issue and ensure the safety of users’ funds.

Main Points:

Nansen disclosed a security incident where hackers gained administrative access to an account used for customer access provisioning. The breach affected 6.8% of Nansen’s users but did not disclose the name of the impacted organization. The vendor was described as a prominent firm used by Fortune 500 companies. User email addresses, password hashes, and in some cases, blockchain addresses were compromised.

Nansen claims to have identified all impacted users and has requested them to reset their passwords. The company assured users that their funds in the wallet were safe. Nansen is known for its on-chain analytics services in the crypto industry and has a strong reputation.

The CEO of Nansen, Alex Svanevik, expressed optimism about the future of a protocol that balances blockchain openness with user privacy and compliance with authorities. In May, Nansen underwent personnel cuts due to the bear market and focused on areas aligned with its strategy.


Nansen faced a security breach through a third-party supplier, compromising user data including email addresses, password hashes, and blockchain addresses. The company promptly addressed the incident, identifying impacted users and requesting them to reset their passwords. Nansen assured users that their funds were safe. With a focus on blockchain analytics, Nansen remains optimistic about the future of protocols that balance openness, privacy, and compliance.