Justice League: Rebirth #1
DC Comics
Written by: Bryan Hitch
Art by: Bryan Hitch, Daniel Henriques & Scott Hanna
The long-awaited Justice League Rebirth has arrived and it serves up some justice! As a fan of the Justice League cartoons and comics, I had high expectations for this issue. Some of my expectations were met. The issue does a good job at setting up our character dynamics and the plot. In the beginning of the issue, a new alien creature invades Earth and readers witness League members working together to stop the current threat to human kind.
As the story progresses, the new Superman and the new Green Lantern members arrive to help eradicate the new alien nemesis. This part of the comic is where I think Bryan Hitch really made this issue shine. The way Hitch just showed how Superman and the new Green Lanterns can be trusted is great. The Green Lanterns lay down their current threats and the new Superman leaves his family to join the League to risk everything to save the Earth. I think Hitch should have focused more than he already did with the new characters in their dedication to the Justice League. This is, after all, the first time we see Jessica and Simon work together to handle a crisis and Superman accepting his fate. The other new character, Superman, is in the spotlight during this issue. The panels where Superman debates with Lois about the reason why he is here is great and I think adding philosophical questions to a comic book makes a reader think about the comic even after they put it down. Many comics these days can be like a movie, you read it and enjoy it, but you forget it and move on to the next. This issue makes you think. Bryan Hitch’s art and writing made me take a step back and observe.
Bryan Hitch’s unique style of starting a comic book with us questioning this reality suits this introduction to the league wel. Hitch raises the question what would happen if this world had no super heroes and what if there was no new Superman to take up the mantle of truth and justice? I like how Hitch, Henriques, & Hanna’s art accurately captures the emotions and the philosophical themes he wrote into the story.
I especially liked how this issue connects in with the other rebirth comics. The Lanterns are forced to leave the Red Lantern crisis. However, I think this could also be a little confusing to new readers. Readers are left wondering what the events were before the alien attack. I am guessing these questions will be answered in flashbacks like how the issue flash backed to the current Justice League members debate whether to trust the new Superman. You will have to read the issue to find out if the members do decide to trust the new Superman. If you really like the Justice League or want to read a comic where the artist and writer are the same, then pick up Justice League Rebirth Issue 1.