New York City Mayor Deploys AI Voice Clone for Multilingual Robocalls

Oct 18, 2023

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Uses AI Voice Clone for Multilingual Robocalls

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has utilized generative AI voice technology to reach out to voters in multiple languages through robocalls. Although Adams does not speak languages other than English fluently, his office synthesized his voice to produce realistic-sounding calls in Spanish, Mandarin, Yiddish, and other languages. The aim of these multilingual calls was to promote city services and events to diverse communities.

The Mayor’s Multilingual AI

Adams revealed the use of his voice clone during the launch of the “MyCity Chatbot,” a tool that employs Microsoft Azure generative AI to assist small business owners in finding city resources. This initiative is part of the city’s new Artificial Intelligence Action Plan. The voice clone, which has not been identified by brand, rendered the AI-generated calls using text input in various languages. Adams expressed excitement about being able to communicate with non-English speakers in their native language through the robocalls.

Ethical Concerns and Defending the Practice

Some may raise ethical concerns about the nature of these voice clone calls and whether they should have disclosed that they were AI-generated. However, Adams defended the practice, stating that his primary responsibility is running the city and effectively communicating with its residents in languages they understand. He emphasized the importance of being able to reach non-English speakers through these means.


Mayor Eric Adams of New York City has leveraged generative AI voice technology to engage with citizens in multiple languages through robocalls. By synthesizing his voice, Adams was able to produce realistic-sounding calls in languages he does not fluently speak. While some may question the ethical implications of using AI-generated voices without disclosure, Adams believes it is necessary to effectively communicate with non-English speakers and fulfill his responsibilities as mayor.
