Nightwing #81 (REVIEW)

Jun 14, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Nightwing #81
DC Comics

Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Bruno Redondo
Colors by: Adriano Lucas
Letters by: Wes Abbott

Nightwing #81 is all about the ending. It was yet another all-around strong issue from Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo and company, but we’ve come to expect that. What readers couldn’t have anticipated was the end of this issue.

Faithful Taylor readers know you can’t get comfortable reading his work. You’re always one panel away from a major development, good or bad. But his first few issues on Nightwing had been different. That probably had to do with the need to establish the character’s direction after Joker War and the other matters with the title I’ve spent too much time on already. That mission has been accomplished, and it seems Taylor knows that.

The surprise Taylor provides at the end of Nightwing #81 felt like a notice warning readers: “Buckle up.”

(WARNING: Spoilers for Nightwing #81 ahead.)

Now, the surprise in Nightwing #81 (which I won’t specifically mention — if you read it, you know) is not a normal one for Taylor. His twists and turns usually have a different outcome.

I obviously need to know more about the situation, but I like the decision as of now. Hopefully it’s an indicator of Taylor’s approach to Nightwing moving forward — surprises you’ll never see coming, but different from the ones he typically delivers.

Lastly, I have no clue where Taylor is going with Heartless following our first real introduction to the character. Not necessarily a bad thing, I just don’t know what to make of Heartless yet — outside of the obvious heart-stealing madness.

Score: 9

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