Not All Robots #4 (REVIEW)

Nov 17, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Not All Robots #4

Without having seen how this series ends yet, this series has the making of one that will be well regarded, but an issue too long. Had the events of Not All Robots #4 taken place in the issue prior, this series would still be moving at a perfect pace. This issue continues to build on the anxiety of humanity while pushing the robots to the brink.

AWA Studios
Written by: Mark Russell
Art by: Mike Diodato

Not All Robots #4 puts the focus back on the larger issue at hand, rather than lean on the Walter family and Snowball. As much as I understand the intention behind Mark Russell having readers spend a deal of time with them, it felt unnecessary. The larger topic at hand has been fascinating, so there isn’t a need to zoom in too much on one case within this mess.

That said, if this series were set to go beyond the five issues it was initially slated for, I’d have less issue with us getting to know the Walters and their robot. But as far as I can tell, this is going to stay within the five issues.

And even though it feels like this series will be extended, rather than end with the next issue, Not All Robots has regained some momentum.

Looking for more comic book content? Go check out the latest episode of Geeks WorldWide Radio‘s TLDR podcast, where Joseph Gilmore and Nick Friar discuss comics weekly and talk to creators from the industry — available on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts and Spotify! And if you want to learn more about AWA Studios specifically, be sure to listen to TLDR‘s interview with AWA’s Chief Creative Officer, Axel Alonso — where he also talked about his time with Vertigo and Marvel Comics.