Ordinary Gods #1 (REVIEW)

Jul 7, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Ordinary Gods #1
Image Comics

Written by: Kyle Higgins
Art by: Felipe Watanabe
Colors by: Frank William
Letters by: Clayton Cowles

Readers may feel prepared for a fast-paced story after reading the first few pages of Ordinary Gods #1, but that’s simply not the case. Nothing can ready any reader for the late developments in Ordinary Gods’ opening issue.

As Kyle Higgins and Felipe Watanabe take us through the world they’ve built, we meet a young man named Christopher. He seems to be working through a rough time — at a point in life where you’re supposed to be figuring out adulthood. Certainly, this is a character most, if not everyone, can relate to.

But while Christopher seems like an interesting characters and the same can be said for the world being built away from him, the way Higgins tells the story is why I’m now invested beyond Ordinary Gods #1. He gives readers an idea about what’s to come, but there’s still no certainty surrounding what’s to come. That is, until the very end of Ordinary Gods #1. By then, we at least know Higgins and Watanabe aren’t messing around. Absolutely anything can happen in this new series.

As for the art: Watanabe’s style, combined with Frank William’s colors, provide an interesting vibe for a story involving gods. It feels like we’re dealing with ancient issues — which is appropriate — but I also get the impression these gods haven’t handled those matters in a godly manner. At least, not how we might think gods would behave.

Based on the events that transpired in Ordinary Gods #1, it seems like Watanabe and William are the perfect art team for Higgins’ new story.

Score: 9

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