Arrow Re-Nocked: Brotherhood (4×07)

Just as the last episode was Felicity’s episode, this episode titled “Brotherhood” really belonged to John Diggle and it was about damn time Diggle got some good story progression. After last week’s rescue of Ray Palmer, the show doesn’t let up...

Arrow Re-Nocked: Lost Souls (4×06)

Sorry for the delay in getting this article out, but I didn’t want to give this episode’s Arrow Re-Nocked away because I have a ton to say about it. Episode six in this fourth season of Arrow, titled Lost Souls, really showed us what the show runners were...

Arrow Re-Nocked: Haunted (4×05)

Let’s be honest… everyone was excited for episode five titled Haunted purely because Matt Ryan was reprising his role as John Constantine again. If not everyone than surely I wasn’t the only one, because let me say that he was the best part of this...

Arrow Re-Nocked: Beyond Redemption (4×04)

“We all are, living in this city, dealing with what we’re dealing with right now… We’re desperate, we’ve all been made to do desperate things.”- Quentin Lance Episode four, Beyond Redemption, begins in a warehouse and a drug raid gone wrong. The opening sequence sets...

Arrow Re-Nocked: Restoration (4×03)

Oh man… this whole episode (titled: Restoration) existed to set up Legends of Tomorrow didn’t it? While The Flash has been doing that as well, I kind of feel the same for both shows in that I just can’t wait for the Legends of Tomorrow set ups to be over with so that...