Post Americana # 1 (REVIEW)

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Post Americana # 1
Image Comics

Story/Art: Steve Skroce
Colors: Dave Stewart
Letters/Design: Fonografiks

Much like the title suggests Post Americana presents a vision of the future of America. This comic is a disturbing image of the next stages of a country while highlighting all the problems that are being overlooked right now. The events that led here aren’t fully explained but the brutality of their effects are on full display.

This comic takes place after something called The Big Death. Positioning the members of high society as holding the seat of power hammers home what Post Americana means. An opening speech by the “President” suggests there are two societies in this reality. As he speaks two resistance fighters steal a jet in an attempt to warn those living outside the bunker of a planned attack from the government. Their jet crashes into the wastelands, damaged during the escape.

It is at the crash Skroce and Stewart treat the reader to their vision of the future of America. The cult and warlord ruled areas are the unfortunate results of societies crumble. Highlighting the new dynamic of community is the leader of the group that stumbles upon the crashed jet, The F.F. This humorously heinous individual is a perfect depiction of what things have become. While not the star of the series, he introduces the main character in Carolyn. Trusted as she is by the scavengers, she too has her own agenda. Using the strangers arrival to her advantage she begins to set things right starting with F.F. and his crew.

Post Americana is everything that a country could be and not know it. It doesn’t take much to expose those ugly truths and realities. In Carolyn we are given a character with a vision, perhaps a vision for Post Americana…or what is to become of it.

Score: 8.2

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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